Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)
Qualified Charitable Distribution
Real Estate
Explore the various giving options available to support our mission of feeding those in need. If you have a Donor-Advised Fund, you can use the "Giving Block" form (click yellow button) to make a gift today. If you have included Martha's Kitchen in a planned gift or would like more information use the "Let Us Know" form. For further assistance, contact us at 408-293-6111 ext. 406, or use the form to discuss how your planned gift can impact our mission. We recommend consulting your financial or legal advisor to ensure your gift is structured in the most effective way. To include Martha’s Kitchen in your plans, please use the following: Legal Name: Martha’s Kitchen | Address: 311 Willow Street, San Jose, CA 95110 | Federal Tax ID Number: 91-2091094
Planned Gift Examples
Meet with Your Attorney or Financial Advisor
Consult your attorney or financial advisor to include Martha’s Kitchen in your will/ trust. -
Decide on the Type of Bequest
Specific Bequest: Designate a fixed dollar amount or a specific asset (e.g., “I leave $10,000 to Martha’s Kitchen”).
Percentage Bequest: Leave a percentage of your estate (e.g., “I give 10% of my estate to Martha’s Kitchen”).
Residual Bequest: After taking care of your loved ones, you can donate the remainder of your estate to Martha’s Kitchen.
Include Martha’s Kitchen in Your Will
Work with your attorney to incorporate the following sample language in your will or trust:
“I give and bequeath to Martha’s Kitchen, 311 Willow Street, San Jose, CA 95110, the sum of $________ (or ____% of my estate) for its general charitable purposes.” -
Notify Us
We encourage you to let us know about your bequest. This allows us to recognize your thoughtful contribution and invite you to join our legacy society, a special group of supporters dedicated to ensuring the long-term success of Martha’s Kitchen. -
As always make sure to consult with your attorney or financial advisor when making a gift.
Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs)
Access or Establish a DAF
If you don’t have a DAF, you can easily open one through a financial institution or community foundation. If you have an existing DAF, log in to your account to recommend a grant. -
Request a Grant to Martha’s Kitchen
Search for Martha’s Kitchen within your DAF’s portal and provide the following information:-
Legal Name: Martha’s Kitchen
Tax ID: 91-2091094
Address: 311 Willow Street, San Jose, CA 95110
Nonprofit ID 91-2091094
Decide on the Gift Amount
You can choose to make either a one-time or recurring donation from your DAF. -
Designate a Purpose (Optional)
While you may allow us to use the funds where they are most needed, you can also direct your gift to a specific program or cause within Martha’s Kitchen. -
Notify Us
Once your grant has been submitted, please let us know. This helps us acknowledge your generosity and ensures the funds are allocated according to your wishes. -
As always make sure to consult with your attorney or financial advisor when making a gift.
IRA Charitable Rollovers (Qualified Charitable Distributions)
1. Contact Your IRA Plan Administrator
To make a tax-free donation from your IRA, reach out to your IRA plan administrator and request a direct transfer to Martha’s Kitchen.
2. Specify the Amount
You can transfer a certian amount per year directly from your IRA to Martha’s Kitchen without it being counted as taxable income.
3. Provide Martha’s Kitchen’s Information
Your administrator will need the following details:
Legal Name: Martha’s Kitchen
Tax ID: 91-2091094
Address: 311 Willow Street, San Jose, CA 95110
Nonprofit ID 91-2091094
4. Receive Tax Benefits
This charitable rollover can reduce your taxable income and satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) without increasing your tax burden.
5. As always make sure to consult with your attorney or financial advisor when making a gift.
Gifts of Stock
1. Contact Your Broker
To donate appreciated stock, contact your broker and inform them of your intent to make a charitable contribution to Martha’s Kitchen. They’ll handle the transfer process on your behalf.
2. Provide Martha’s Kitchen’s Brokerage Information
To facilitate the transfer, your broker will need the following details:
Account Name: Martha’s Kitchen
Brokerage Firm: [Insert Firm Name]
Account Number: [Insert Account Number]
Tax ID: 91-2091094
Address: 311 Willow Street, San Jose, CA 95110
3. Decide on the Gift Amount
Your broker will help you determine the equivalent value in shares to meet your intended gift.
4. Notify Us
Once your grant has been submitted, please let us know.
5. As always make sure to consult with your attorney or financial advisor when making a gift.
To make a planned gift or to let us know if you have already done/plan to do so please use the form above and a member of our development team will contact you today!
Make Martha’s Kitchen a part of your legacy in your will, estate plan or trust. Your support of Martha's Kitchen reflects your desire to help end hunger in our community and the communities we serve. Including a legacy gift for Martha's Kitchen in your will or by beneficiary designation will allow us to provide future generations the healthy, nutritious food they need to thrive, making your legacy a lasting one that will help us continue to provide food security to those in need in the years to come.
This free tool is a result of our new partnership with FreeWill. If you do not have an up-to-date plan in place, you can create your legal will for free using this trusted resource from our partners at FreeWill, which makes it simple to start your legacy with Martha’s Kitchen in just 20 minutes. And, if you would prefer to finalize your will with an attorney, you can also save time with your lawyer by using FreeWill to document your wishes first. Martha’s Kitchen Tax ID Number: 91-2091094.
As with all gift planning, you should consult with your tax advisor and lawyer to determine what planned gift strategy is best for your current tax situation and income requirements. Consulting estate-planning professionals will help ensure that your wishes to make a lasting impact will be fulfilled.