Sign Up Instructions / Instrucciones de registro
STEP 1: ​Create an account and sign the waiver.
If you are under 18 years of age, your parent/guardian will be emailed to sign your waiver. You will not be able to schedule a shift until your waiver is signed by a parent/guardian.
Check your waiver status here.
STEP 2: Sign up for a volunteer shift.
Minimum age requirement: The minimum age to volunteer at Martha's Kitchen without a parent/guardian is 14. If you are 12 or 13 years of age, you can volunteer with a parent/guardian.
Day-of instructions:​
Wear closed-toed shoes and a hat.
If you can, please park on the street due to limited spaces in our shared parking lot.
Enter through the double doors past the dark blue cold box on the side of Martha's Kitchen. You will be greeted by staff and walked through the check-in process.
PASO 1: Cree una cuenta y firme la renuncia.
Si es menor de 18 años, se enviará un correo electrónico a sus padres/tutores para que firmen su exención. No podrá programar un turno hasta que un padre/tutor firme su exención.
Verifique el estado de su exención aquí.
PASO 2: Inscríbase para un turno de voluntario.
Requisito de edad mínima: La edad mínima para ser voluntario en Martha's Kitchen sin un padre o tutor es 14 años. Si tienes entre 12 y 13 años, puedes ser voluntario con un padre/tutor.
Instrucciones del día:
Use zapatos cerrados y una gorra.
Si puede, estacionarse en la calle debido a los espacios limitados en nuestro estacionamiento compartido.
Entre por las puertas dobles y pase la caja fría azul oscuro al costado de Martha's Kitchen. Un empleado de Martha’s Kitchen lo recibirá y lo guiará durante el proceso de registro.
Our Volunteer Protection (Whistle-Blower) Policy
​If any volunteer in good faith believes that some policy, practice or activity of Martha’s Kitchen is in violation of law, a written complaint may be filed by that volunteer with the Executive Director. It is intent of Martha’s Kitchen to adhere to all laws and regulations that apply to the organization, and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all volunteers is necessary to achieving compliance with various laws and regulations.